August 6, 2007

Speaking of Books...and the 2nd Commandment

The last two posts have had to do with books and with the second commandment, respectively. How about a post that ties the two together?

William MacKenzie is the founder of Christian Focus Publications, a very helpful company that publishes Christian books out of the north of Scotland. How does he connect with the last two blogposts? First, because he spoke at last year's Bethlehem Conference for Pastors on the topic of Christian literature and its great effect on the human heart and the history of the church. It's this week's featured message in the sidebar. Second, because his company's website is the publisher of a great many books that could have been added to last week's list of impactful books in my life. And third, because Christian Focus has a wonderful children's book division which, out of deference to the second commandment, publishes children's story Bibles (here's the one we use) and books which do not contain pictures of Christ.

Fourth, he's Scottish, which is pretty cool any way you slice it!

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