May 18, 2016

Some Reading Ideas for Those Who Aren’t (Yet) Big Readers

One of my delights as a pastor is to see our little library log book filling up with names, and with good book titles which have been checked out by the names in question. We are blessed, in our land and language, not only with unprecedented access to the Bible, but also with unprecedented access to good Christian books intended to help us understand the Bible, apply it to our lives, and think Christianly. And so let me urge you, if you are not doing so already, to make use of your church library. 

But it occurred to me that, for those who aren’t (yet) big readers, that there are some other resources available that might get you going as well. And I want to list a few of them for you, this week and next. Today I mention three magazines that I think you will find stimulating. Next week we’ll look at some blogs. But first the magazines:

Table Talk. This monthly magazine, put out by Ligonier Ministries, is a treasure of brief and helpful articles … usually all centered around a central theme for the month. The magazine also contains a daily Bible reading plan, to help you stay on track in the word, too. And so, if you gave it a half an hour, a couple days a week, you could read through the magazine in a month, be introduced to some of the most able Bible teachers of our time, and be greatly encouraged in your faith, and in your reading habit. This would be my highest recommendation in the magazine category. $23/yr. Available in paper and digital formats. Order at

Free Grace Broadcaster. This free, no frills quarterly magazine contains 8-10 articles from great Christian teachers of the past, and each issue is centered on a particular biblical theme – heaven, marriage, evangelism, etc. If you sought to read just an article a week, maybe on your Sunday afternoon, you’d read the whole magazine in less than the allotted quarter (and might find yourself wishing for more)! FREE. Available in paper and digital formats. Subscribe and/or download at

Studies in the Scriptures. This magazine of biblical study articles (something like sermons/Bible studies on paper) was published monthly by a man called Arthur Pink for 31 years in the first half of the 20th century. In recent years, Chapel Library in Pensacola has made the magazine live again by reprinting the final 21 years of magazines, and making them available to modern readers. Order or download a few months’ worth, read an article or two a week, and you will find a good deal of biblical meat for your soul. FREE. Available in paper and digital formats. Download or order copies at

Just a few ideas of solid meat that is available to you, and that might get you started on a habit that will bless your soul for a lifetime – Christian reading.

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